# window上搭建npm私仓(verdaccio)

# 安装 verdaccio

npm install -g verdaccio --unsafe-perm

# 启动 verdaccio


观察输出, 找到配置文件的路径

info --- Creating default config file in D:\Users\W9011499\AppData\Roaming\verdaccio\config.yaml
## 这里显示了配置文件的所在目录
warn --- config file  - D:\Users\W9011499\AppData\Roaming\verdaccio\config.yaml
warn --- Plugin successfully loaded: verdaccio-htpasswd
warn --- Plugin successfully loaded: verdaccio-audit
## 这里显示了监听的端口为: 4873, 可通过 http://localhost:4873/ 访问, 后续还需要可以修改配置文件, 让其他人可访问
warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/5.0.4


# This is the default config file. It allows all users to do anything,
# so don't use it on production systems.
# Look here for more config file examples:
# https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf

# path to a directory with all packages
storage: ./storage
# path to a directory with plugins to include
plugins: ./plugins

  title: Verdaccio
  # comment out to disable gravatar support
  # gravatar: false
  # by default packages are ordercer ascendant (asc|desc)
  # sort_packages: asc
  # convert your UI to the dark side
  # darkMode: true
  # logo: http://somedomain/somelogo.png
  # favicon: http://somedomain/favicon.ico | /path/favicon.ico

# translate your registry, api i18n not available yet
# i18n:
# list of the available translations https://github.com/verdaccio/ui/tree/master/i18n/translations
#   web: en-US

    file: ./htpasswd
    # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
    # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
    # max_users: 1000

# a list of other known repositories we can talk to
    url: https://registry.npmjs.org/

    # scoped packages
    access: $all
    publish: $authenticated
    unpublish: $authenticated
    proxy: npmjs

    # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
    # publish all packages
    # you can specify usernames/groupnames (depending on your auth plugin)
    # and three keywords: "$all", "$anonymous", "$authenticated"
    access: $all

    # allow all known users to publish/publish packages
    # (anyone can register by default, remember?)
    publish: $authenticated
    unpublish: $authenticated

    # if package is not available locally, proxy requests to 'npmjs' registry
    proxy: npmjs

# You can specify HTTP/1.1 server keep alive timeout in seconds for incoming connections.
# A value of 0 makes the http server behave similarly to Node.js versions prior to 8.0.0, which did not have a keep-alive timeout.
# WORKAROUND: Through given configuration you can workaround following issue https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/301. Set to 0 in case 60 is not enough.
  keepAliveTimeout: 60

    enabled: true

# log settings
logs: { type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http }

#  # support for npm token command
#  token: false
#  # support for the new v1 search endpoint, functional by incomplete read more on ticket 1732
#  search: false
#  # disable writing body size to logs, read more on ticket 1912
#  bytesin_off: false

# This affect the web and api (not developed yet)
#web: en-US

在配置文件config.yaml的末尾添加 listen:,配置此选项则是允许任何外部的所有IP都可以访问到此服务

修改npm仓库的实际存储位置. 如: D:/npm-repo

# This is the default config file. It allows all users to do anything,
# so don't use it on production systems.
# Look here for more config file examples:
# https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/tree/master/conf

# path to a directory with all packages
storage: D:/npm-repo
# path to a directory with plugins to include
plugins: ./plugins

  title: Verdaccio
  # comment out to disable gravatar support
  # gravatar: false
  # by default packages are ordercer ascendant (asc|desc)
  # sort_packages: asc
  # convert your UI to the dark side
  # darkMode: true
  # logo: http://somedomain/somelogo.png
  # favicon: http://somedomain/favicon.ico | /path/favicon.ico

# translate your registry, api i18n not available yet
# i18n:
# list of the available translations https://github.com/verdaccio/ui/tree/master/i18n/translations
#   web: en-US

    file: ./htpasswd
    # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
    # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
    # max_users: 1000

# a list of other known repositories we can talk to
    url: https://registry.npmjs.org/

    # scoped packages
    access: $all
    publish: $authenticated
    unpublish: $authenticated
    proxy: npmjs

    # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
    # publish all packages
    # you can specify usernames/groupnames (depending on your auth plugin)
    # and three keywords: "$all", "$anonymous", "$authenticated"
    access: $all

    # allow all known users to publish/publish packages
    # (anyone can register by default, remember?)
    publish: $authenticated
    unpublish: $authenticated

    # if package is not available locally, proxy requests to 'npmjs' registry
    proxy: npmjs

# You can specify HTTP/1.1 server keep alive timeout in seconds for incoming connections.
# A value of 0 makes the http server behave similarly to Node.js versions prior to 8.0.0, which did not have a keep-alive timeout.
# WORKAROUND: Through given configuration you can workaround following issue https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/301. Set to 0 in case 60 is not enough.
  keepAliveTimeout: 60

    enabled: true

# log settings
logs: { type: stdout, format: pretty, level: http }

#  # support for npm token command
#  token: false
#  # support for the new v1 search endpoint, functional by incomplete read more on ticket 1732
#  search: false
#  # disable writing body size to logs, read more on ticket 1912
#  bytesin_off: false

# This affect the web and api (not developed yet)
#web: en-US

# 安装nrm用来管理npm源

安装nrm用来管理npm源,添加和切换很方便,使用npm install -g nrm安装

执行nrm ls查看有哪些npm源 此时win10环境可能会报错

    throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'string', value);

[TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined
  at validateString (internal/validators.js:124:11)
  at Object.join (path.js:375:7)
  at Object.<anonymous> (D:\Users\W9011499\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nrm\cli.js:17:20)
  at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
  at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
  at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
  at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
  at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)
  at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47
] {

打开C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nrm\cli.js(17行左右) 把

// const NRMRC = path.join(process.env.HOME, '.nrmrc');
const NRMRC = path.join(process.env[(process.platform == 'win32') ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME'], '.nrmrc');

再次执行: nrm ls

* npm -------- https://registry.npmjs.org/
  yarn ------- https://registry.yarnpkg.com/
  cnpm ------- http://r.cnpmjs.org/
  taobao ----- https://registry.npm.taobao.org/
  nj --------- https://registry.nodejitsu.com/
  npmMirror -- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/
  edunpm ----- http://registry.enpmjs.org/

由于电脑的Ip是自动获取的,当电脑重启IP有可能会改变,因此最好需要手动设置一个IP,然后使用 nrm add localnpm添加到npm源中

D:\Users\W9011499>nrm add localnpm

    add registry localnpm success

然后通过nrm ls来查看有哪些源,带*号的表示目前正在使用的源

D:\Users\W9011499>nrm ls

* npm -------- https://registry.npmjs.org/
  yarn ------- https://registry.yarnpkg.com/
  cnpm ------- http://r.cnpmjs.org/
  taobao ----- https://registry.npm.taobao.org/
  nj --------- https://registry.nodejitsu.com/
  npmMirror -- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/
  edunpm ----- http://registry.enpmjs.org/
  localnpm ---

通过nrm use localnpm来切换源,如下图所示,我们就切换到我们刚刚添加的源了

D:\Users\W9011499>nrm use localnpm

   Registry has been set to:

D:\Users\W9011499>nrm ls

  npm -------- https://registry.npmjs.org/
  yarn ------- https://registry.yarnpkg.com/
  cnpm ------- http://r.cnpmjs.org/
  taobao ----- https://registry.npm.taobao.org/
  nj --------- https://registry.nodejitsu.com/
  npmMirror -- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/
  edunpm ----- http://registry.enpmjs.org/
* localnpm ---

# 新建用户

然后通过npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873/来新建一个用户

D:\Users\W9011499>nrm ls

  npm -------- https://registry.npmjs.org/
  yarn ------- https://registry.yarnpkg.com/
  cnpm ------- http://r.cnpmjs.org/
  taobao ----- https://registry.npm.taobao.org/
  nj --------- https://registry.nodejitsu.com/
  npmMirror -- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry/
  edunpm ----- http://registry.enpmjs.org/
* localnpm ---

Username: pan
Email: (this IS public) sd40150700@126.com
Logged in as pan on

# 新建一个项目,并发布

mkdir testdemo
cd testdemo
npm init
# 创建webpack配置文件
touch webpack.config.js
# 创建src目录
mkdir src
cd src
# 在src目录创建hello.js文件
touch hello.js
cd ..src
# 在项目根目录进行打包
// hello.js
function hello(str){

修改package.json, 增加files配置, 将src目录与dist目录一同发布到npm仓库

  "name": "testdemo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "private": false,
  "main": "dist/index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    "webpack": "^5.37.1",
    "webpack-cli": "^4.7.0"

npm 登录: npm login

npm发布: npm publish



# 附注


# a list of other known repositories we can talk to
    url: https://registry.npmjs.org/

参考链接:window上搭建npm私仓(verdaccio) (opens new window)